This is for 1 New, 10 cent Key date cheat card for Dates covering 1873 to 2018. This Key Date cheat card contains the best known Key Dates and prices for the 10 cent coin. No need to haul around a large book to instantly know the value of your key date coin once you dig it out of the ground. We have over 20 years of experience using Garrett, Whites & Minelab Metal Detectors and have developed this great Cheat card that will provide you tons of the best Key Dates & prices for the years 1873 to 2018. This really will help you know the values of your coins instantly!!
You will receive the 1 laminated business card size with all of the following information listed on both sides of the card that is laminated so you can use in the rain if needed anywhere & anytime, It fits nicely into a wallet or vest as well.
- The best known Key Dates and prices of the 10 cent coin for Dates covering 1873 to 2018.
**Please note that this is not for a metal detector or coin but is only for a Cheat card.